18 November 2012

you totally will

written by a seven year-old ava five years ago as part of this secret mission, saved and promptly taped to the bathroom mirror. five years of looking at it while I wash my face and apply various fancy-like moisturizers. while I brush my teeth and pretend to floss. while I inspect my face for any and/or all flaws, notice new lines and imperfections. five years and still, it lifts my spirits. it helps me remember.

and on a somewhat related note: this made me happy.


  1. That is so cute! :)

  2. May I please post a link to this in my blog today? I like to do sort of a weekly wrap up of what inspires me throughout the week. I would love to share this with my friends.

  3. Such a great message!

  4. very inspiring and also so true. :)

  5. I can see how this would bring a smile to your face each morning, and sometimes all that is needed is a smile and we are prettier! thanks for sharing this with us.

  6. that makes me smile, too. i might need to put that on my mirror, too.

  7. oh how it blesses me to catch up here.
    grateful for this, andrea. happiest thanksgiving to you and yours! xo
