ridiculously honored to be a part of the impossible project show outside the lines, which opens tonight in new york. you know I'd be there if I could. if I wasn't already getting on a plane early tomorrow morning and flying halfway across the world, I would so be there. I would so be standing in that beautiful impossible project space on broadway tonight, feeling all jittery and nervous and excited. instead, I'll be packing. I'll be folding and tucking and packing but I'll be celebrating a little too.
but all my new york people, you can go! the opening reception is tonight from 6-9pm at the impossible project space NYC, 425 broadway, 5th floor. featured in the show: beautiful work by adam goldberg, john reuter, brandon long, dustin yager, chloe aftel, sol allen, max wanger, benjamin shuster, parker fitzgerald, rommel pecson, toby hancock, ritchard ton, leah reich and of course, yours truly. read more about it on the impossible project blog and if you go, please report back. I'll be living vicariously and shall require details.