ava turned ten a couple of days ago. yup, ten. both feet into the next decade and there are a few things I'd like to say:
1. she loves cherry-flavored anything. almost as much as I do.
2. she is able to transform all tiny hidden nooks and corners into magic places.
3. she does not mess around when it comes to fountains and wishes. it's the same every time: she cups the penny with both hands, closes her eyes tight and whispers her wish with an impressive amount of intensity before flinging it into the water. so much hope in her eyes it makes me want to cry.
4. she totally gets why old banana seat bikes are cool.
5. she loses herself in books.
6. she draws pictures that are full of quirky characters and spectacular detail, pictures that tell the kind of stories I wish I could write.
7. she has a super silly side but only lets those closest to her see it.
8. she watches the world with wide open eyes and often sees things I do not.
9. she still lets me read to her at bedtime.
10. she is the girl I always wanted to be. and still do.
(twenty-three down, twenty-nine to go)