one week ago today, I turned 45. it's a strange age, 45. strangely weird and wonderful and maybe a little bit painful. for weeks now, I've been thinking about it, about how I wanted to celebrate, how I wanted to mark the occasion. because, it is an occasion. sort of like turning 40 but with a little more wisdom and a pinch more panic.
aging aside, the truth is that december birthdays are hard. the calendar is crammed with more obligations than anyone ever knows what to do with and people are mostly tired and grouchy. there isn't ever any extra money, not really, because what little there is has been squirreled away for christmas and whatever bills are overdue. blah blah blah, it's all very first world woe is me.
but I had sleeves with tricks, I did. and a pocket with a few dollars, a few of my favorite people, a good twelve (maybe thirteen) hours and the whole freaking city of atlanta. and so I decided to see if I could do 45 things on my 45th birthday, 45 actual things. and you know what? it was a pretty good way to celebrate. it didn't cost me very much and I will never, ever forget it. and really, that's all I wanted.
here are 45 things I did the day I turned 45:
1. bought a bag of party horns and a package of confetti on our way into the city.
3. tossed a little confetti out the window as we flew down dekalb ave.
5. took a polaroid of a favorite scene.
6. threw a penny in the fountain at fellini's, made a wish.
7. picked a camellia up off the sidewalk, left a pinch of confetti behind.
8. taped a party horn to a favorite book and left it in the little free library in my old neighborhood.
10. sprinkled confetti on the steps of my very first apartment.
11. flipped through albums at
criminal records, bought myself a little birthday vinyl.
12. hopped inside criminal's digital photobooth for a strip, left a party horn behind.
14. photographed the year I was born.
15. sat in the sun at
lottafrutta and had the
lulo, a drink made with
a fruit I'd never even heard of before.
16. left a party horn taped to the plastic neck of a pink flamingo, took the little orange paper umbrella as a souvenir.
17. sampled the watermelon soda (tasted like liquid candy necklace).
18. decided I'd make an okay carmen miranda.
19. chickened out of photographing a most spectacular stranger.
22. left a little confetti in front of the old black iron gates of the apartment we lived in when we were first married.
23. photographed a few people I love jumping in front of a mural I love.
24. taped a party horn to the big yellow dot on said loved mural.
25. taped a party horn to the little orange dot on a favorite
HENSE mural.
26. walked the beltline at magic hour, scattered a little confetti along the way.
27. sprinkled a smidge of confetti in front my favorite
tiny red door.
28. tucked a party horn inside the string installment that covers the footbridge over ponce.
31. bought a piece of cherry mash and a packet of cherry pop rocks at the candy shop, let the pop rocks crackle in my mouth as we wandered around outside.
32. tried on a few hats at the hat shop, fell in love with a
scarlet cloche.
33. wandered the aisles of the art supply store, bought myself a beautiful new fountain pen.
35. photographed my people in front of the
anish kapoor piece.
36. spotted the flashing neon HOT NOW sign at the krispy kreme on ponce, had to stop. it's practically the law.
37. watched hundreds of doughnuts on a conveyor belt pass through heavenly sugary showers of glaze.
38. consumed exactly one hot doughnut, let it melt in my mouth.

39. stopped for french fries and cokes at the beloved majestic diner, tucked a party horn between the salt and pepper shakers.
40. stood on the jackson street bridge and looked out over our fair city, threw a handful of confetti at it.
41. tossed the last of the confetti onto ponce on our way out of the city.
42. listened to my family sing happy birthday.
43. blew out all the candles, made one last wish.
44. devoured a piece of red velvet cake.
45. collapsed onto the big green couch, fully and wholly 45.