I walked into that yarn shop and I said yes. this is what I want. this is how I want to organize my life. items arranged according to color, tucked neatly into several pleasingly symmetrical little cubbies. instead, I am like most americans. I stuff things I don't really need under beds, into the backs of dark closets, into overflowing attics, basements, garages. make no mistake, I keep our main living spaces fairly clutter free. I'll tell you, when it comes to those areas, I'm a bit of a nut. but one peek at my basement and THE JIG IS UP.
it's not that I don't have a plan. it's that the plan makes me tired. the plan requires more time than I have to give it. the plan requires things like commitment and discipline. the plan demands I throw things out, things I'm not sure I'm ready to throw out. actually, what the plan really wants is a yard sale. this is not completely unreasonable, seeing as how I have put on my fair share of yard sales (and legendary ones, at that). but for some reason, I cannot rally. I start and then people need me and/or projects need me and the whole yard sale party is over before it ever really began. needless to say, this does not please the plan. truth be told, this disgusts the plan.
still, I continue to chip away. a drawer here, a shelf there, a few boxes from the attic, a file cabinet from the basement. I have learned to celebrate small victories. and when I really need a shot in the arm, I walk into a yarn shop. I eye the colors and the cubbies and I am filled with hope.