04 January 2010

if I haven't said it already

it's a blank piece of paper, 2010. a new box of crayons, a jar full of sharpened pencils. at this point, you can do pretty much anything you want. it's a brand new year, peeps. and it's for the taking. 2010= fresh.

(a little photographic collaboration: words to shoot by)


  1. fresh is one of my favorite words. happy new year to you! (luv that pic)!

  2. you always make me feel like i can take on the world! in the best way possible.

  3. truly, thanks for the inspiration. i love hearing this kind of stuff.

  4. That is a great way to think about a new year- a blank piece of paper and new box of crayons- love it! I just recently discovered your blog and it is fabulous!!! Happy New Year!

  5. yay! here's to a new canvas!!

  6. happy, happy new year!!

  7. happy new year to you! Hope this year brings you many blessings.

  8. Thank goodness!! 2009 left me a bit empty but I have grand hopes for 2010, thank you for this encouraging reminder!!!

  9. oh my. that ava of yours is such a darling!!

    a fresh start? me! me! me! :D

    happy new year andrea. i'm so glad to know such a creative woman as you - full of beauty in and out.

  10. I love this image and funny about the sharpened pencils because at the start of a new year I always make a trip to Reid's Stationers a special little place here in my city and I buy new Moleskin notebooks for my journals for the year. There is just something almost religious about opening that clean fresh notebook and penning that first entry :)

  11. Thank you so much for the sweet outlook on the new year. I just want you to know how much I enjoy your blog. The picture of your mom dancing with your grandma moved me to tears. Thank you for all the inspiration. :)

  12. .. just found ur blog, it's lovely ^^.
    i'll come back for sure :-).

    happy new year!


  13. I LOVE this post! Wonderful photo and an awesome way to see the new year :) 100% Creative!

  14. Love it! Veinte Diez IS indeed for the taking. This is one of the first years where it seems like everyone is excited for the new year. Motivation and excitement en masse. Nice.

    Enjoy yours :)

  15. im so hyped about 2010.
    happy new year friend!
