17 November 2006

photobooth friday

yes, it's friday and there was a photobooth involved. lucky me: I squeezed myself into a booth in a bar in the east village with these two fantastic women.

proof to come, lovies.


  1. i had a great time last night, thank you for fitting me in! too bad my big head took up so much room ~ it's happened before in a booth, i just need to remember and always stick to the back. (=

  2. wowzers! can't wait to see 'em :)

  3. So so so much fun! Friday can't come fast enough! The PB strip, the story to tell! And the shot of you and Kristen in the booth!

    I had such a good time and have been mentally composing an email to you ever since I left you a voicemail on Sunday (which, seriously, did I even make sense? I ramble!). I am so glad you visited!

  4. when do you get back? i can hardly wait to hear all the stories!

  5. oh!
    pins and needles for theses stories.
    welcome home :)!
