02 March 2006

more thursday love

(ava's favorite ring)

I can't stop with all this thursday love because who knows where we'll be this time next week? it's a crazy, mixed-up world. a world where handmade pipe-cleaner button rings wait for no one.

loving: making anything and everything with ava. paintings, drawings, collages, various craft projects-- always worth the mess. she got the itch earlier this week to make these and wouldn't stop until she had me grumbling under my breath and digging through my box 'o' crafty goodness. and now: I'm totally addicted to making these things. people, get ready. pipe-cleaner button and gem jewelry is so going to be the next big thing.

(thank you, hand models: ava and neighbor girl)

it's the process more than anything. the gathering of the materials, the brainstorming of ideas, the mess-making. it's witnessing her put colors together and get excited and tell the stories behind the art. the look on her face the moment she figured out how cool it would be to glue the smaller red heart onto the larger pink heart gem? delicious. and now it is her favorite ring that she made and she loves to tell anyone who will listen why. honestly, I'm just a little bit jealous that my husband thought up 'ava thursdays' before I did (I don't even think I was bloggedy-blogging yet). but I adore him for it and burst with pride every stinking thursday. this week is no exception. ava-girl blew me out of the water with her three-part drawing and story on learning how to fly. (please indulge this proud mama by promptly clicking here).

more 'things I love' thursdays here and here.


  1. tell ava i said her rings are beeeeee-yooooooouuuuu-tiful!!! better than the ones at tiffany's :)

  2. Great photos and the rings are beautiful. The way in which girly girls adorn themselves is amazing.

  3. fun! I love 'em, dahling! :)

  4. ava is seriously THE coolest.

  5. can i come over and make pipe cleaner jewels? i love ava's fav... mine too!

  6. those are some fantabulous gems! compliments to the designers!

  7. Bring on the buttons & pipe cleaners! I love it!

  8. Why thank you, dear wife o' mine for mentioning Ava Thursdays here. And that girl of ours IS something else, isn't she? I LOVE the rings that she made here. I must enlist the artist to create me a line of pipe-cleaner rings for me at work.

    And such wonderful photography, sweetie. Great job on that!

  9. ohh soo swweet! those rings, i can see why its a thursday love! !

  10. you know i love pipecleaner jewelry!

  11. thank you, everyone. I read these comments to the ava-girl and she beamed with pride. and she asked me AGAIN if I told you all about how SHE came up with the idea for the heart on top of heart button ring. ha.
