films seen in twenty eighteen (the order in which they were seen):
call me by your name (luca guadagnino)
mudbound (dee rees)
the shape of water (guillermo del toro)
the post (steven spielberg)
the family fang (jason bateman)
brad's status (mike white)
I, tonya (craig gillespie)
phantom thread (paul thomas anderson)
black panther (ryan coogler)
the disaster artist (james franco)
a quiet place (john krasinski)
disobedience (sebastian lelio)
tully (jason reitman)
the fits (anna rose holmer)
tag (jeff tomsic)
sorry to bother you (boots riley)
won't you be my neighbor (morgan neville)
eighth grade (bo burnham)
oceans eight (gary ross)
last flag flying (richard linklater)
hearts beat loud (brett haley)
hot summer nights (elijah bynum)
mid90s (jonah hill)
when the levees broke: a requiem in four acts (spike lee)
joan didion: the center will not hold (griffin dunne)
private life (tamara jenkins)
isle of dogs (wes anderson)
roma (alfonso cuaron)
(holy wow, that's a crapload of male directors)