24 April 2006

swimming in it

I hereby deem this The Week Of The Photograph.

translation: I am swimming in a sea of junk that must be prepared for a yard sale (to beat all yard sales). I am facing a week fraught with responsibility-- the days will find me searching for valid reasons to hold onto things like a black faux leather biker jacket that my parents gave me for christmas in 1988 and every last piece of clothing ava ever wore as a baby. this won't leave much time for writing. and I'm way too addicted to this blog gig to take a break.

hence, The Week Of The Photograph.


  1. Wow, such a cool photo. Ugh, yard sales are a ton of work. Sending you lots of energy and decluttering skills!!

  2. oh man. i have to say i wish i could come to your yardsale...i bet there will be some fun stuff. i love going to yardsales. i even think it's fun to have them. basically people are paying you to haul away your stuff that you don't want anymore. pretty good deal if you ask me.

  3. good luck on parting with "treasures". i know exactly what you are coming from. i am one of the biggest packrats i know (besides my mom of course) and i always have to have someone else pry items from my hands...i mean how can i sell "this" for a quarter??

    here's to mucho money making :)

  4. I love this photo and I wish I could come to your yard sale because I just know it's going to be good. And think of all the casholio you'll have to buy more things....kidding, but you know what I mean.

  5. It'll feel good to purge it all And. Good luck! We'll miss ya whle you work!

    PS. I have zoo passes til the 30th!

  6. Hello. I was just wondering if you received any mail lately from Canada, containing one CD from the Lisa Solomon CD swap. Let me know if you got it! :) Sorry to ruin the surprise of where it's coming from - if you have not received it yet. But I mailed it on the 2nd of April, so it's been well over 20 days and mail should NOT take that long from Montreal to GA! Have a super day. When do you get it - and listen to it - let me know what you think of it!

  7. Bring it on, sistah-friend! And from one packrat to another, good luck on the sorting and sifting.

  8. Whiney voice..."I wannna goooooo, to your yard sale!!!!".
    Sigh, hope your treasures find grateful homes.
