03 June 2016


that week just after school lets out, when you're finally off that blasted hamster-wheel schedule and your whole family just sort of melts into the new schedule, the non-schedule, the late late morning schedule, the all afternoon book-reading, all night movie-watching, strawberry-picking, lightning bug-catching, up late late at night schedule.

that's the week we're living in right now. and I love it (for all the obvious reasons) but mostly, I love it because things feel... possible. we're making the big summer list, we're excited and friends, we've had some sleep. we're rested. for the love of mary, we finally feel rested.

make no mistake, there's work still to be done (always), dishes still pile up in the sink and laundry still piles up on the floor of every single room of this freaking house but it doesn't feel so hard. because, I can breathe again. we can all breathe again.


  1. oh....i love love love this.

    1. thank you! I totally welcome all that love! xoxo

  2. Love this. I totally, totally get it. Enjoy the melting and the breathing. (hikooky Jen here)

    1. hi hikooky jen! nice to see you here! hope you're enjoying a little melting and breathing too. xo

  3. Replies
    1. thank you! and happy, happy summer to you too! xo
