15 February 2011

it's all that pink and red

this time last year

I really sort of love valentines day. and not because I need a special day to wallow in love and sweetness, but because I need a day where pink and red reign supreme. pink paper chains and red construction paper hearts. pink frosting and bright red cherry juice. pink roses and red tulips. I am a sucker for such things. and I'm not ashamed to say it.


  1. those tulips + straws are just lovely.

  2. pink and red kick arse. especially together. :)

  3. I'm a sucker for paper straws!

  4. Amen sistah! = )

  5. Oh... the straws. Are those paper straws? I've been on the lookout for paper straws with that swirly design, but when I ask about them, people give me the back-up-from-the-crazy-cat-lady look and ask how you are supposed to drink from paper straws. They clearly don't realise that milk cartons are ALSO made from paper. /rant

    Where did you get them?

  6. This is what makes you such a joy to behold!

  7. thanks, all! xoxo

    scatterbeams, yes! those are paper straws! and oh, I love them so much. you can find them online at kikkerland:


    I linked to the red ones because those are my favorites but they have them in blue and grey too. and they have them other places online as well. I've also occasionally stumbled onto them at a few shops here in portland. happy paper straw hunting!

  8. me to.....and thats why its my absolute favorite holiday!!!!

  9. I kinda like this day too. Red and pink - awesome!

  10. Pink and red is so pretty.
    I love love!
    What a pretty table setting!

  11. If you have any intentions to stop with this blog, please don't. You have no idea how important it is for me to see your beautiful photos and your little sweet words. Thank you!
    Love from Brazil, Amb.
