22 January 2010

instant happy

yesterday I wrote about garlands, banners and bunting over on poppytalk and now I sort of want to drop everything and shift into 24-hour garland-making mode. I mean it. all garlands, all the time. am dangerously close to hanging strings of colorful bits on every possible surface in my house, plus all the barren trees in my neighborhood. am thinking it would not be the worst thing to cover the world with garlands, banners and bunting. especially with ones that have nice things to say.


  1. Was directed over here by Char from Ramblins(awesome woman!) and absulutely LOVE your World here.
    I will be back when my Tea is made...so I can sit and browse.
    Have a great Friday

  2. I totally agree, after reading your post last night, I started pulling out fabric and seeing what I could make to start hanging! totally and utterly inspiring! we need more happy garland in the world!


  3. thought i'd share this with you for your garland fix..my dear friend kt's scrap garland. :) cheers!

  4. I loved your post...I ordered the yellow garland you linked to & was sad there was only one available. If I sewed I'd make some of the others you showed :) They seem be the perfect antidote to winter.

  5. i am nearly convinced that you are the cutest human being alive. keep being an awesome a-dult (if those are even real). you give me hope for a brighter future

  6. Yay - just got all my scraps of fabric out yesterday to make a garland!!

  7. Wow - and I -just- saw this cuteness on Craft: - http://blog.craftzine.com/archive/2010/01/how-to_mini_bunting_card.html

  8. i could not agree more...so enjoyed seeing your post at Poppytalk

    i would love to send you a garland...

  9. Wait do I hear a garland swap coming on???

  10. I have garlands hanging in my kids' room and I love them. They make me happy every time I look at them. I also hang garlands for just about every holiday and always for birthdays.
    I love them too!
    That photo is great.

  11. To "A Day That is Dessert" , you don't have to sew to make garlands. I have ones made from paper hanging in my kids' room. Just cut out triangles out of cute paper, hole punch at the top and string. Done! You just have to use heavier weight paper or the edges curl a bit.
    I have also made garlands out of coasters (they have amazing ones at Rock Scissor Paper) cut letters out of cardboard to make a garland that says something and even used fabric and fabric glue. So don't let the non-sewing hold you back--go for it!

  12. i love garlands and banners and bunting. this is a beautiful picture =]


  13. I love this blog ! Nice to meet you !

  14. Phew, I thought I was the only one to have a secret bunting fetish. I can't stop making them, they make me happy....I confess, I am addicted.

    I am even making them for Valentine's day, not for me, but for my son (yeah right).

    I blogged about them here

    Nice to see some other addicts out there!

  15. As always, lovely!!!

  16. I need to make one of these now!! I need a garland fix!
    Just found your lovely little blog! Totally in love with it and your photo's!

  17. I love garlands too and get the urge to make more every time I see one. Thanks to everyone leaving links here to more garland inspiration! Here's one I did for Valentines Day a couple of years ago:


  18. This is the perfect winter post!

  19. Hula, Have you seen all the sparks you've started? Jeanine, Char, and I, and who knows how many others are loving your listing idea. And joining you. How great are you? Thank you for sharing your wonderful ideas. And for not minding all the copycats who put their own spin on your brilliant ideas.

  20. I just made a garland : )happy weekend

  21. Andrea, there is a woman who has a blog called, "The Fabulous Garlands". Gorgeous garlands, around the clock. Here is the link: http://sophiecuvelier.blogspot.com/

  22. Garlands are super fabulous...i can never get enough of them!

  23. so beautiful and inspiring, both the words and the colors. I can't really sew myself but ... someday?
