09 November 2005

like peanut butter and chocolate

the beatnik and the butterfly. excuse me, butterfly fairy. ten days after halloween and we're all finally coming down off a legendary sugar high, the kind of sugar high that people write songs about. and the good candy is long gone. I know it's gone because I broke down the other day and finally ate the mounds bar (why? because SOMEONE HAD TO).

for more photos of the fairy in flight and the beatnik that looks more like a french thief, clickety-click here.


  1. That picture is a total classic!

  2. Those are priceless! Ava is fantastic and Ezra CRACKS ME UP.

  3. oh my gosh this photo is so great

  4. OMG - how cute! ezra looks so much older since i've seen him last or is it the moustache?

  5. I have to ask, is Ava a little grouchy in the shot? I see a sort of "OK mom, one more picture!" look on her face ! We had lots of fun! And our candy is officially gone.: (

  6. It's so cute I can't really take it.

    I'm snapping my applause.

  7. i have to leave another comment, i LOVE that you dressed ezra as a beatnik, it's a genius idea. that is the cutest thing i have ever seen. i might have to bite your idea someday when i have a little nino.

  8. Totally adorable. Your kids are so lucky to have such a fun, imaginative mama!

  9. ok.
    cute kids aside...i have to comment on the fact that you think the mounds bar is NOT the good candy!
    c'mon, andrea...


    i am just defensive cuz that is what paul and i gave out for halloween...we also gave almond joy.

    man oh man...we must really suck! lol

    kudos to the awesomely wonderful pictures.

  10. omg! I really needed this great piece of fun and a joy that is so pure and innocent!

  11. thanks, y'all!

    jan- I swear it's the mustache.

    lulu- not sure if she was grouchy but I do know she was getting a little fed up with all of ezra's wiggling...

    madness rivera- I am loving the snapping.

    meridith- thanks! it was kind of a last minute costume decision and so easy to do. you feel free to bite away, sister! (you're going to be such a fab mom)

    kathleen- I must say, my feeling towards the mounds/almond joy bars are starting to turn a corner... growing up, I couldn't stand them (something about the texture of the coconut) BUT this year... I have to say... starting to love them just a little bit. so send any leftovers my way. or we could just head on over to your house for tricks-or-treats next year, ha...!

  12. Coming VERY late to this post via your husband; glad I did--man, your photogrpahy kills me! Not to mention you have amazing models. I am dying over Ezra--'french thief"? I see a beat! ; ) He's so cute! And of course your daughter is as pretty as always. Great work.
