28 January 2018

five, five and five

five colors, five weeks, in celebration of five years of color collecting our way through the infinite depths of winter. 

color//colour lovers (that yearly labor of collaborative color love between myself and the ever-ebullient xanthe) is on its fifth go round and every year I think maybe we're finished, maybe the project has run its course, but then, sometime around the middle of january, I hear the color calling. inevitably, an email lands in my box, or one in xanthe's, with a familiar subject line: fancy another color//colour lovers go round? 

and, who I am to say no? when color calls, I answer. every time. 

should you hear the color calling, should you find yourself wanting to answer, the invitation is open, always, to play along-- hunt color, wear color, eat color, shoot color, seek color, share color, share it wherever, whenever, here, there, everywhere. line-up as follows:

monday, january 29th-- blue
monday, february 5th-- yellow
monday, february 12th-- red
monday, february 19th-- green
monday, february 26th-- pink

(find us here, there, everywhere-- blogs, instagrams, tumblr, yada yada yada-- and before you know it, we'll be swimming in color, all of us)


    Every time I start to get all despairing in the bleak midwinter that I will never take another good photo again you all save the day. : )

  2. What an inspiring idea. I have been wanting to start a photography project, but been procratrinating...mostly because I feel my skills aren't up to the mark. But this project is spurring me on. Mind if i borrow the prompts and try my hand at it?
