14 January 2009

happily happily

two things today:

1. happily listening to an old favorite over and over.

2. happily planning a class I'll be teaching at squam in september.

I'd love to see you there, if you are so inclined. cardboard and old cameras will be involved plus an abundance of forest-wandering. it might also be like a big slumber party except I promise not to put toothpaste or shaving cream in your hair or color in your entire nose with a permanent black marker like my cousin did to me in the summer of 1984. I can, however, promise you a great deal of that thing they call fun. fun fun fun whether you take my class or not. because squam? pretty much the cat's pajamas.


  1. This is the first time I've been disappointed by the fact that I live in Sunny Florida. Sounds amazing. Hope you write about it.

  2. makes me want to come to NH even more.
    what fun!!!

  3. very intriguing - the class and squam. I will have to check out their website further. :)

  4. Oh my goodness. I wish I could go, I would die! It looks soooo wonderful!

  5. Adorable picture. And thanks for the song -- I hadn't heard it and loved it.

  6. I cannot wait!!!! teach me some camera magic!

  7. ack! haven't heard that song in forever! this might just have made my morning :)

    also- i so wish i could join you for your class. i'm sure it will be amazing.

  8. Andrea!


    cannot wait to meet you in person-- and I promise not to magic marker your nose.

    Bisous, Elizabeth

  9. OH my god! Awesome!!!!! I live in Boston so its not THAT far of a drive for me....

    I used to live in the white mountains of NH growing up and have been to the squam lakes several times when I was much younger...its a beautiful spot.

    I just got a holga for christmas from my honey and I would love to come to this class since I do collect old school cameras and have been dying ti try them al out. Please keep me informed as I am very interested!!!

  10. In New Hampshire?!? You stinking rock.

  11. I went to squam last year and it was soooo much fun. I'm looking forward to returning this year and your class is at the top of my list. I have an old camera that I bought especially to do some TTV work, but couldn't get all the kinks out. It will be great to take your class!

  12. you are total cuteness!

    congratulations on your workshop at squam. you will rock their socks off!

    peace out,


  13. I wished I lived closer. I would be there.

  14. i adore this photo of you andrea. i'm so very close to squam and i'm penciling it in on my calendar. xo

  15. Well aren't you cute!?
    I want to go! Time will tell if this is a possibility...

  16. Finally a picture of you!!! You should put more...
    I wish I could attend one of your classes too. Portland people are so lucky to have you!

  17. I am in love with this perfect picture of you. It seems to reflect a quirky, artsy girl who's always up for an adventure. Congrats on teaching at Squam.

  18. Right in my flippin backyard! How exciting. I would love to take your class- but it is a little out of my price range. Good luck with it though! I hope you have wonderful weather for it.

  19. I got oh so excited as I have been dying to start playing around with Ttv. then i realizes it's not happening in portland. sadness... :) Have fun teaching though!

  20. How I wish I could be in your class! Bit of a long commute, though. I've been meaning to try this through-the-viewfinder business for a while, as I have the perfect camera for it--thanks for reminding me. Great photo of you, btw!

  21. your blog is always so beautiful!!!

  22. Can you tell me what the song was? The link is down :(

  23. thanks for the kind words, all!

    alicia, fixed the link! please do give lo boob oscillator a listen... it's one of my all-time favorite songs. :)

  24. Well I pretty much just love that. Thank you so much for making me smile today!

  25. Honestly, I may hop on a plane for that. Do you know the date yet?

  26. Okay, I just looked at the site. Sat is already closed, but Fri is open. So I would need to own a twin reflex camera?
