06 September 2005

self portrait tuesday #5

oh, the fabulous silence that can only be found underwater. yesterday, we decided to go swimming out at nani's on the last official day of summer. (yes, yes I know-- the last day is technically september 21st, but who are we kidding? everybody knows it's all over with labor day). anyway, in between ava's splashing and kicking and ezra's precarious toddling around the pool's edge, I was able to grab a couple of moments to myself. to flip and twirl and do the backstroke, to be goofy with ward and take pictures of my feet.

water brings so much peace. float in it, face up to a turquoise sky and you feel calm, weightless, effortlessly suspended. nothing like it in all of the world. water is our world. and so I was floating and I was thinking about all of this, the magic of water, the colors, the feeling, the taste, the sounds. crazy how something that brings so much delight, so much joy also has the ability to inflict so much pain, so much destruction. the dark side of water takes on unfathomable force and relentless wrath. sort of feels like a betrayal you have no choice but to forgive.


  1. i too have the flip-flop tan line. however, my toes are not nearly as adorable as yours.


  2. great photo.

    ditto on the water... i love swimming... and then there is the water that still haunts N.O.... duality at it's best....

  3. Very well put. I like your words.

  4. quite right about water. so soothing, yet so not.

  5. water is amazing when you are pregnant! Oh the weightlessness!!!!

  6. ahhh, what a great last picture to bid summer goodbye!

    i love water.

  7. You describe it so well. I'm a definite waterbaby.
